Included Work | Container of (expression): Flaherty, Stephen. Anastasia (Musical) Still. Vocal score. |
Included Work | Container of (expression): Menken, Alan. Aladdin (Musical) Proud of your boy. Vocal score. |
Included Work | Container of (expression): Yazbek, David, 1960- Band's visit. Answer me. Vocal score. |
Included Work | Container of (expression): Yazbek, David, 1960- Band's visit. Haled's song about love. Vocal score. |
Included Work | Container of (expression): Iconis, Joe. Be more chill. Loser geek whatever. Vocal score. |
Included Work | Container of (expression): Iconis, Joe. Be more chill. Michael in the bathroom. Vocal score. |
Included Work | Container of (expression): Lippa, Andrew. Big fish. Fight the dragons. Vocal score. |
Included Work | Container of (expression): Brown, Jason Robert. Bridges of Madison County. It all fades away. Vocal score. |
Included Work | Container of (expression): Parker, Trey, 1969- Book of Mormon. I believe. Vocal score. |
Included Work | Container of (expression): Shaiman, Marc. Catch me if you can. Goodbye. Vocal score. |
Included Work | Container of (expression): Pasek, Benj. Dear Evan Hansen (Musical) For forever. Vocal score. |
Included Work | Container of (expression): Pasek, Benj. Dear Evan Hansen (Musical) Waving through a window. Vocal score. |
Included Work | Container of (expression): Goldrich, Zina. Ever after. Right before my eyes. Vocal score. |
Included Work | Container of (expression): Barlow, Gary, 1971- Finding Neverland. If the world turned upside down. Vocal score. |
Included Work | Container of (expression): Anderson-Lopez, Kristen. Frozen (Musical) In summer. Vocal score. |
Included Work | Container of (expression): Lutvak, Steven. Gentleman's guide to love & murder. Stop! Wait! What?! Vocal score. |
Included Work | Container of (expression): Lutvak, Steven. Gentleman's guide to love & murder. I don't understand the poor. Vocal score. |
Included Work | Container of (expression): Miranda, Lin-Manuel, 1980- Hamilton. You'll be back. Vocal score. |
Included Work | Container of (expression): Menken, Alan. Hunchback of Notre Dame (Musical : 2014) Made of stone. Vocal score. |
Included Work | Container of (expression): Brown, Jason Robert. Honeymoon in Vegas. I love Betsy. Vocal score. |
Included Work | Container of (expression): Brown, Jason Robert. Honeymoon in Vegas. Out of the sun. Vocal score. |
Included Work | Container of (expression): Kitt, Tom. If/then. You don't need to love me. Vocal score. |
Included Work | Container of (expression): Kitt, Tom. If/then. You never know. Vocal score. |
Included Work | Container of (expression): Lauper, Cyndi, 1953- Kinky boots. Step one. Vocal score. |
Included Work | Container of (expression): Rokicki, Rob. Lightning thief. Good kid. Vocal score. |
Included Work | Container of (expression): Rokicki, Rob. Lightning thief. Tree on the hill. Vocal score. |
Included Work | Container of (expression): Malloy, Dave, 1976- Natasha, Pierre, and the great comet of 1812. Dust and ashes. Vocal score. |
Included Work | Container of (expression): Hansard, Glen, 1970- Once. Leave. Vocal score. |
Included Work | Container of (expression): Hansard, Glen, 1970- Once. Say it to me now. Vocal score. |
Included Work | Container of (expression): Adams, Bryan, 1959- Pretty woman. Freedom. Vocal score. |
Included Work | Container of (expression): Adams, Bryan, 1959- Pretty woman. Something about her. Vocal score. |
Included Work | Container of (expression): Sklar, Matthew, 1973- Prom. Barry is going to prom. Vocal score. |
Included Work | Container of (expression): Lloyd Webber, Andrew, 1948- School of rock. Stick it to the man. Vocal score. |
Included Work | Container of (expression): Yazbek, David, 1960- Tootsie. Jeff sums it up. Vocal score. |
Included Work | Container of (expression): Yazbek, David, 1960- Tootsie. Whaddya do. Vocal score. |
Included Work | Container of (expression): Kirkpatrick, Wayne. Something rotten! Hard to be the bard. Vocal score. |
Portion of title |
Songs of the 2010s |
Variant title |
Musical theatre songs of the two thousand tens |
Variant title |
Songs of the two thousand tens |
Variant title |
Musical theatre songs of the twenty tens |
Variant title |
Songs of the twenty tens |
Contents |
Still : from Anastasia / lyrics by Lynn Ahrens ; music by Stephen Flaherty -- Proud of your boy : from Aladdin / music by Alan Menken ; lyrics by Howard Ashman -- Answer me ; Haled's song about love : from The band's visit / words and music by David Yazbek -- Loser geek whatever ; Michael in the bathroom : from Be more chill / words and music by Joe Iconis -- Fight the dragons : from Big fish / music and lyrics by Andrew Lippa -- It all fades away : from The bridges of Madison County / music and lyrics by Jason Robert Brown -- I believe : from the Broadway musical The Book of Mormon / words and music by Trey Parker, Robert Lopez and Matt Stone -- Goodbye : from Catch me if you can / lyrics by Scott Wittmann and Marc Shaiman ; music by Marc Shaiman -- For forever ; Waving through a window : from Dear Evan Hansen / music and lyrics by Benj Pasek and Justin Paul -- Right before my eyes : from Ever after / lyrics by Marcy Heisler ; music by Zina Goldrich -- If the world turned upside down : from Finding Neverland / words and music by Eliot Kennedy and Gary Barlow -- In summer : from Frozen / music and lyrics by Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez -- Stop! Wait! What?! ; I don't understand the poor : from A gentleman's guide to love & murder / music by Steven Lutvak ; lyrics by Robert L. Freedman and Steven Lutvak -- You'll be back : from Hamilton / words and music by Lin-Manuel Miranda -- Made of stone : from The hunchback of Notre Dame -- the stage musical / music by Alan Menken ; lyrics by Stephen Schwartz -- I love Betsy ; Out of the sun : from Honeymoon in Vegas / music and lyrics by Jason Robert Brown -- You don't need to love me ; You never know : from If/then / lyrics by Brian Yorkey ; music by Tom Kitt -- Step one : from the Broadway musical Kinky boots / words and music by Cynthia Lauper -- Good kid ; The tree on the hill : from The lightning thief: the Percy Jackson musical / music and lyrics by Rob Rokicki -- Dust and ashes : from Natasha, Pierre & the great comet of 1812 / music and lyrics by Dave Malloy ; based on War and peace by Leo Tolstoy -- Leave : from the Broadway musical Once / words and music by Glen Hansard -- Say it to me now : from the Broadway musical Once / words and music by Glen Hansard, Graham Downey, Paul Brennan, Noreen O'Donnell, Colm Macconiomaire and David Odlum -- Freedom ; Something about her : from Pretty woman: the musical / words and music by Bryan Adams and Jim Vallance -- Barry is going to prom : from The prom / lyrics by Chad Beguelin ; music by Matthew Sklar -- Stick it to the man : from School of rock / music by Andrew Lloyd Webber ; lyrics by Glenn Slater -- Jeff sums it up ; Whaddya do : from Tootsie / words and music by David Yazbek -- Hard to be the bard : from Something rotten! / words and music by Wayne Kirkpatrick and Karey Kirkpatrick. |
Abstract |
An expansive selection of songs from musicals that opened in 2010-2019. |
Local note | Little-305140022156 |
General note | "36 songs from 26 shows." |
General note | For men's voice and piano; with chord symbols. |
Language | Staff notation; Chord symbols. |
Genre/form | excerpts. |
Genre/form | Songs. |
Genre/form | Musicals. |
Genre/form | Excerpts. |
Genre/form | Vocal scores. |
Genre/form | Musicals. |
Genre/form | Songs. |
Genre/form | Excerpts. |
Genre/form | Vocal scores. |
Genre/form | Comédies musicales. |
Genre/form | Extraits. |
Genre/form | Partitions de chant. |
ISBN | 9781540061324 |
ISBN | 1540061329 |
888680959418 |
Publisher number | HL00299925 Hal Leonard |