Contents |
Sampling moves -- Dancing identity: the annual smoki "ceremonial dances" of Prescott, Arizona / Lynette Russell -- Jitterbuggers, sugar plums, and a geisha: dancing nexus in Japanese American Incarceration Facilities of World War II / Marta Robertson -- Doppelgänger with a difference: Ruth Page's debt (and dedication) to African American jazz / Joellen A. Meglin -- Alonzo King LINES Ballet: counterpoints / Jill Nunes Jensen -- Broadcasting moves -- Flirting with terpsichore: show dancing in 1930s Hollywood musicals / Adrienne L. McLean -- Sailors in the city: dance, nationalism, and cultural imperialism in Anchors aweigh and On the town / Kathaleen Boche -- "Just kids": youth, community, and race in televised teen dance programs of the 1950s / Julie Malnig -- On the world's stage: Nana Gollner, an American classical ballerina and the rhetoric of ballet nationalism, 1930-1950 / Karen Eliot -- Critiquing moves -- Flagging the body, dancing the nation: the bodies politic of Isadora Duncan and Yvonne Rainer / Sara Wolf -- Staging stars and stripes: (re)choreographing the American flag / Lizzie Leopold -- Gender and the dancing body in English country dance / Daniel Walkowitz -- Cabaret: a study of fascism, sexuality, and politics / Dara Milovanović -- Self-determination and public space: the performative politics of breaking / Cutler Edwards. |