Contents |
Fires of 1988 : a chronology and invitation to research / Linda L. Wallace, Francis J. Singer, and Paul Schullery -- Postglacial fire, vegetation, and climate history of the Yellowstone-Lamar and Central Plateau Provinces, Yellowstone National Park / Sarah H. Millspaugh, Cathy Whitlock, and Patrick J. Bartlein -- Yellowstone fires and the physical landscape / Grant A. Meyer -- Establishment, growth, and survival of lodgepole pine in the first decade / Jay E. Anderson ... [et al.] -- Fire effects, elk, and ecosystem resilience in Yellowstone's sagebrush grasslands / Benjamin F. Tracy -- Elk biology and ecology before and after the Yellowstone fires of 1988 / Francis J. Singer, Michael B. Coughenour, and Jack E. Norland -- Effects of wildfire on growth of cutthroat trout in Yellowstone Lake / Robert E. Gresswell -- Stream ecosystem responses to fire : the first ten years / G. Wayne Minshall, Todd V. Royer, and Christopher T. Robinson -- Food web dynamics in Yellowstone streams : shifts in the trophic basis of a stream food web after wildfire disturbance / Timothy B. Mihuc -- Role of fire in determining annual water yield in mountain watersheds / Phillip E. Farnes, Ward W. McCaughey, and Katherine J. Hansen -- Early postfire forest succession in the heterogeneous Teton landscape / Kathleen M. Doyle -- Snags and coarse woody debris : an important legacy of forests in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem / Daniel B. Tinker and Dennis H. Knight -- Fire patterns and ungulate survival in Northern Yellowstone Park : the results of two independent models / Linda L. Wallace ... [et al.] -- Ten years after the 1988 Yellowstone fires : is restoration needed? / William H. Romme and Monica G. Turner -- Epilogue : after the fires : what have we learned? / Linda L. Wallace and Norman L. Christensen. |