ECU Libraries Catalog


Adams, Eliphalet. A Funeral Discourse Occasioned by the Much Lamented Death of the Honourable Gurdon Saltonstall, Esq; Governour of Connecticut, &c. Who Deceas'd Sept. 20. 1724. In the Fifty Ninth Year of His Age. New-London [Conn.]: Printed by T. Green, 1724.


Adams, E. (1724). A funeral discourse occasioned by the much lamented death of the Honourable Gurdon Saltonstall, Esq; governour of Connecticut, &c. who deceas'd Sept. 20. 1724. in the fifty ninth year of his age. New-London [Conn.]: Printed by T. Green.


Adams, Eliphalet, A Funeral Discourse Occasioned by the Much Lamented Death of the Honourable Gurdon Saltonstall, Esq; Governour of Connecticut, &c. Who Deceas'd Sept. 20. 1724. In the Fifty Ninth Year of His Age. New-London [Conn.]: Printed by T. Green, 1724.