ECU Libraries Catalog


Miller, Samuel. A Sermon, Delivered February 5, 1799 : Recommended by the Clergy of the City of New-york, to Be Observed As a Day of Thanksgiving, Humiliation, and Prayer, On Account of the Removal of a Malignant and Mortal Disease, Which Had Prevailed In the City Some Time Before. New-York: Printed by George Forman, 1799.


Miller, S. (1799). A sermon, delivered February 5, 1799 : recommended by the clergy of the city of New-York, to be observed as a day of thanksgiving, humiliation, and prayer, on account of the removal of a malignant and mortal disease, which had prevailed in the city some time before. New-York: Printed by George Forman.


Miller, Samuel, A Sermon, Delivered February 5, 1799: Recommended by the Clergy of the City of New-York, to Be Observed As a Day of Thanksgiving, Humiliation, and Prayer, On Account of the Removal of a Malignant and Mortal Disease, Which Had Prevailed In the City Some Time Before.. New-York: Printed by George Forman, 1799.