ECU Libraries Catalog


Williams, James. Letters On Slavery From the Old World: Written During the Canvass for the Presidency of the United States In 1860. To Which Are Added a Letter to Lord Brougham On the John Brown Raid; and a Brief Reference to the Result of the Presidential Contest and Its Consequences. Nashville, Tenn.: Southern Methodist publishing house, .


Williams, J. Letters on slavery from the Old world: written during the canvass for the presidency of the United States in 1860. To which are added a letter to Lord Brougham on the John Brown raid; and a brief reference to the result of the presidential contest and its consequences. Nashville, Tenn.: Southern Methodist publishing house.


Williams, James, Letters On Slavery From the Old World: Written During the Canvass for the Presidency of the United States In 1860. To Which Are Added a Letter to Lord Brougham On the John Brown Raid; and a Brief Reference to the Result of the Presidential Contest and Its Consequences. Nashville, Tenn.: Southern Methodist publishing house.