ECU Libraries Catalog


Zerai, Assata, and Brenda N Sanya. Safe Water, Sanitation, and Early Childhood Malnutrition In East Africa: an African Feminist Analysis of the Lives of Women In Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2018.


Zerai, A., & Sanya, B. N. (2018). Safe water, sanitation, and early childhood malnutrition in East Africa: an African feminist analysis of the lives of women in Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda. Lanham: Lexington Books.


Zerai, Assata, and Brenda N Sanya. Safe Water, Sanitation, and Early Childhood Malnutrition In East Africa: An African Feminist Analysis of the Lives of Women In Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda. Lanham: Lexington Books, 2018.