ECU Libraries Catalog


Cromwell, Oliver. An Ordinance for the Continuance and Maintenance of the Alms-houses & Alms-men Called Poor Knights, and Other Charitable and Pious Uses, Whereof the Late Dean and Canons of Windsor Were Feoffees In Trust. London: Printed by Henry Hills and John Field ..., 1655.


Cromwell, O. (1655). An ordinance for the continuance and maintenance of the alms-houses & alms-men called Poor Knights, and other charitable and pious uses, whereof the late dean and canons of Windsor were feoffees in trust. London: Printed by Henry Hills and John Field ...


Cromwell, Oliver, An Ordinance for the Continuance and Maintenance of the Alms-Houses & Alms-Men Called Poor Knights, and Other Charitable and Pious Uses, Whereof the Late Dean and Canons of Windsor Were Feoffees In Trust. London: Printed by Henry Hills and John Field ..., 1655.