ECU Libraries Catalog


An Ordinance and Declaration of the Lords and Commons Asembled In Parliament : Allowing and Authorizing Any of His Majesties Good and Loyall Subiects In the Kingdome of England : to Furnish with All Manner of Warlike Provision and Send to Sea What Ships and Pinnaces They Shall Thinke Fit : to Make Stay of All Such Supply As They Shall Seize Upon by Sea Or Land Going to Assist the Rebels In Ireland : and to Take Away All Ships, Goods, and Other Provision, Belonging to Them Or Any That Have Assisted Them : and the Said Adventurers, In Recompence of So Good a Service, Shall Have and Injoy As Their Owne Proper Goods All Ships, Goods, Monies, Plate, Armes, Munition, Victuals, Pillage, and Spoyle Which Shall Be So Seized Or Taken by Them Without Any Accompt Thereof to Be Made Whatsoever. ... London: Printed for Iohn Wright, .211.


(.211). An ordinance and declaration of the Lords and Commons asembled in Parliament : allowing and authorizing any of his majesties good and loyall subiects in the kingdome of England : to furnish with all manner of warlike provision and send to sea what ships and pinnaces they shall thinke fit : to make stay of all such supply as they shall seize upon by sea or land going to assist the rebels in Ireland : and to take away all ships, goods, and other provision, belonging to them or any that have assisted them : and the said adventurers, in recompence of so good a service, shall have and injoy as their owne proper goods all ships, goods, monies, plate, armes, munition, victuals, pillage, and spoyle which shall be so seized or taken by them without any accompt thereof to be made whatsoever. ... London: Printed for Iohn Wright.


An Ordinance and Declaration of the Lords and Commons Asembled In Parliament: Allowing and Authorizing Any of His Majesties Good and Loyall Subiects In the Kingdome of England : to Furnish with All Manner of Warlike Provision and Send to Sea What Ships and Pinnaces They Shall Thinke Fit : to Make Stay of All Such Supply As They Shall Seize Upon by Sea Or Land Going to Assist the Rebels In Ireland : and to Take Away All Ships, Goods, and Other Provision, Belonging to Them Or Any That Have Assisted Them : and the Said Adventurers, In Recompence of So Good a Service, Shall Have and Injoy As Their Owne Proper Goods All Ships, Goods, Monies, Plate, Armes, Munition, Victuals, Pillage, and Spoyle Which Shall Be So Seized Or Taken by Them without Any Accompt Thereof to Be Made Whatsoever. ... London: Printed for Iohn Wright, .211.