ECU Libraries Catalog


The Humble Petition of the Poore Distressed Prisoners In the Hole of the Poultry Compter : Being About Threescore and Ten Persons In Number : Against This Time of the Birth of Our Saviour Iesus Christ. [London: Printed by M. F., 1644.


(1644). The Humble petition of the poore distressed prisoners in the hole of the poultry compter : being about threescore and ten persons in number : against this time of the birth of our saviour Iesus Christ. [London: Printed by M. F.


The Humble Petition of the Poore Distressed Prisoners In the Hole of the Poultry Compter: Being about Threescore and Ten Persons In Number : Against This Time of the Birth of Our Saviour Iesus Christ. [London: Printed by M. F., 1644.