ECU Libraries Catalog


Fulke, William, and John De Feckenham. An Answere to a Popishe and Slaunderous Libell : In Forme of an Apologie, Giuen Out Into the Court, and Spread Abroad In Diuers Other Places of This Realme. By M.d. Fulk of Cambridge. Imprinted at London: By William Iones, dwellyng in Paules Churche yearde, at the southwest dore of Paules, and are to be sold at his new long shop, neere to the Bishops Pallace, 1573.


Fulke, W., & De Feckenham, J. (1573). An answere to a popishe and slaunderous libell : in forme of an apologie, giuen out into the court, and spread abroad in diuers other places of this realme. By M.D. Fulk of Cambridge. Imprinted at London: By William Iones, dwellyng in Paules Churche yearde, at the southwest dore of Paules, and are to be sold at his new long shop, neere to the Bishops Pallace.


Fulke, William, and John De Feckenham. An Answere to a Popishe and Slaunderous Libell: In Forme of an Apologie, Giuen Out Into the Court, and Spread Abroad In Diuers Other Places of This Realme. By M.D. Fulk of Cambridge. Imprinted at London: By William Iones, dwellyng in Paules Churche yearde, at the southwest dore of Paules, and are to be sold at his new long shop, neere to the Bishops Pallace, 1573.