hEre begynneth the volume intituled and named the recuyell of the historyes of Troye, composed and drawen out of dyuerce bookes of latyn in to frensshe by the ryght venerable persone and worshipfull man. Raoul le ffeure. preest and chapelayn vnto the ryght noble gloryous and myghty prynce in his tyme Phelip duc of Bourgoyne of Braband [et]c in the yere of the incarnacion of our lord god a thousand foure honderd sixty and foure, and translated and drawen out of frenshe in to englisshe by Willyam Caxton mercer of ye cyte of London, at the comau[n]deme[n]t of the right hye myghty and vertuouse pryncesse hys redoubtyd lady. Margarete by the grace of god. Duchesse of Bourgoyne of Lotryk of Braband [et]c., whiche sayd translacion and werke was ... fynysshid in the holy cyte of Colen the. xix. day of septembre the yere of our sayd lord god a thousand foure honderd sixty and enleuen [sic] [et]c ...
Author/creator |
Lefèvre, Raoul, fl. 1460 |
Other author/creator | Caxton, William, approximately 1422-1491 or 1492. |
Format | Electronic and Book |
Publication Info | [Bruges : Printed by William Caxton and, probably, Colard Mansion, 1473 or 1474] |
Description | [704] p. |
Supplemental Content | |
Subject(s) |
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Uniform title | Recueil des histoires de Troie. English |
Variant title | Recueil des histoires de Troye. |
Variant title | and zeland and thus whan alle thyse thynges cam. |
Series | Early English books online. ^A888680 |
General note | A translation of: Recueil des histoires de Troye. |
General note | Title from ¹[A]2r, which is printed in red. |
General note | Imprint from STC and Needham; see also Lotte Hellinga, "Caxton in focus", p. 38-9, 48. |
General note | Signatures: [A-O¹p0 P; A-I¹p0 K L⁶; A-K¹p0]. |
General note | In three books. |
General note | The first leaf is blank. |
General note | [A]3r text begins: and zeland and thus whan alle thyse thynges cam .. |
General note | The last leaf contains 14 lines of Latin verse beginning: Pergama flere volo. fata danais data solo .. |
General note | Reproduction of the original in the Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery. |
References | STC (2nd ed.) 15375. |
Citation/References note | Duff 242. |
Citation/References note | Needham, P. Printer & the pardoner, Cx4. |
Citation/References note | Hain-Copinger 7048. |
Reproduction note | Electronic reproduction. Ann Arbor, Mich. : UMI, 1999- (Early English books online) Digital version of: (Early English books, 1475-1640 ; 1209:16) |
Stock number | CL0036000033 ProQuest. 789 E. Eisenhower Parkway, Ann Arbor, MI 48108-3218 |
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Joyner | Electronic Resources | Access Content Online | ✔ Available |