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[T]o the right noble, right excellent [and] vertuous prince George duc of Clarence Erle of warwyk and of salisburye, grete chamberlayn of Englond [and] leutenant of Irelond oldest broder of kynge Edward by the grace of god kynge of England and of frau[n]ce, your most humble seruant william Caxton amonge other of your seruantes sendes vnto you peas. helthe. ioye and victorye vpon your enemyes ...
Jacobus, and William Caxton. [t]o the Right Noble, Right Excellent [and] Vertuous Prince George Duc of Clarence Erle of Warwyk and of Salisburye, Grete Chamberlayn of Englond [and] Leutenant of Irelond Oldest Broder of Kynge Edward by the Grace of God Kynge of England and of Frau[n]ce, Your Most Humble Seruant William Caxton Amonge Other of Your Seruantes Sendes Vnto You Peas. Helthe. Ioye and Victorye Vpon Your Enemyes .. [Bruges: Printed by William Caxton and Colard Mansion, 1474.
Jacobus, J., & Caxton, W. (1474). [T]o the right noble, right excellent [and] vertuous prince George duc of Clarence Erle of warwyk and of salisburye, grete chamberlayn of Englond [and] leutenant of Irelond oldest broder of kynge Edward by the grace of god kynge of England and of frau[n]ce, your most humble seruant william Caxton amonge other of your seruantes sendes vnto you peas. helthe. ioye and victorye vpon your enemyes .. [Bruges: Printed by William Caxton and Colard Mansion.
Jacobus, and William Caxton. [t]o the Right Noble, Right Excellent [and] Vertuous Prince George Duc of Clarence Erle of Warwyk and of Salisburye, Grete Chamberlayn of Englond [and] Leutenant of Irelond Oldest Broder of Kynge Edward by the Grace of God Kynge of England and of Frau[n]ce, Your Most Humble Seruant William Caxton Amonge Other of Your Seruantes Sendes Vnto You Peas. Helthe. Ioye and Victorye Vpon Your Enemyes ... [Bruges: Printed by William Caxton and Colard Mansion, 1474.