ECU Libraries Catalog


Harewood, Harry. A Dictionary of Sports : Or, Companion to the Field, the Forest, and the Riverside. Containing Explanations of Every Term Applicable to Racing, Shooting, Hunting, Fishing, Hawking, Archery, Etc. ... With Essays Upon All National Amusements. London: Printed for T. Tegg and son, 1835.


Harewood, H. (1835). A dictionary of sports : or, Companion to the field, the forest, and the riverside. Containing explanations of every term applicable to racing, shooting, hunting, fishing, hawking, archery, etc. ... With essays upon all national amusements. London: Printed for T. Tegg and son.


Harewood, Harry, A Dictionary of Sports: Or, Companion to the Field, the Forest, and the Riverside. Containing Explanations of Every Term Applicable to Racing, Shooting, Hunting, Fishing, Hawking, Archery, Etc. ... With Essays Upon All National Amusements. London: Printed for T. Tegg and son, 1835.