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Day, Angel. The English Secretorie, Or, Plaine and Direct Method, for the Enditing of All Manner of Epistles Or Letters, As Well Familliar As Others, Destinguished by Their Diuersities Vnder Their Seuerall Titles : the Like Whereof Hath Neuer Hitherto Beene Published : Studiouslie, Now Corrected, Refined & Amended, In Far More Apt & Better Sort Then Before, According to the Authors True Meaning, Deliuered In His Former Edition : Togeather (also) with the Second Part Then Left Out, and Long Since Promised to Be Performed : Also, a Declaration of All Such Tropes, Figures Or Schemes, As Either Vsually, Or for Ornament Sake, Are In This Method Required : Finally, the Partes and Office of a Secretorie, In Like Maner, Amplie Discoursed, All Which to the Best and Easiest Direction That May Be, for Young Learners and Practizers, Are Now, Newlie, Wholelie and Ioyntly Published. Imprinted at London: By Richard Iones, dwelling at the Rose and Crowne neere Holborne Bridge, 1592.


Day, A. (1592). The English secretorie, or, Plaine and direct method, for the enditing of all manner of epistles or letters, as well familliar as others, destinguished by their diuersities vnder their seuerall titles : the like whereof hath neuer hitherto beene published : studiouslie, now corrected, refined & amended, in far more apt & better sort then before, according to the authors true meaning, deliuered in his former edition : togeather (also) with the second part then left out, and long since promised to be performed : also, a declaration of all such tropes, figures or schemes, as either vsually, or for ornament sake, are in this method required : finally, the partes and office of a secretorie, in like maner, amplie discoursed, all which to the best and easiest direction that may be, for young learners and practizers, are now, newlie, wholelie and ioyntly published. Imprinted at London: By Richard Iones, dwelling at the Rose and Crowne neere Holborne Bridge.


Day, Angel, The English Secretorie, Or, Plaine and Direct Method, for the Enditing of All Manner of Epistles Or Letters, As Well Familliar As Others, Destinguished by Their Diuersities Vnder Their Seuerall Titles: The Like Whereof Hath Neuer Hitherto Beene Published : Studiouslie, Now Corrected, Refined & Amended, In Far More Apt & Better Sort Then Before, According to the Authors True Meaning, Deliuered In His Former Edition : Togeather (also) with the Second Part Then Left Out, and Long Since Promised to Be Performed : Also, a Declaration of All Such Tropes, Figures Or Schemes, As Either Vsually, Or for Ornament Sake, Are In This Method Required : Finally, the Partes and Office of a Secretorie, In Like Maner, Amplie Discoursed, All Which to the Best and Easiest Direction That May Be, for Young Learners and Practizers, Are Now, Newlie, Wholelie and Ioyntly Published. Imprinted at London: By Richard Iones, dwelling at the Rose and Crowne neere Holborne Bridge, 1592.