Abstract |
Reel 1 shows the Interior Department Building in Washington, D.C., and illustrates with activities of the Bureau of Reclamation with scenes of mountains, trees, dams, reservoirs, canals, flumes, and farmers' homes and gardens. Reel 1 shows the Interior Department Building in Washington, D.C., scenes of cattle, sheep and horses grazing, and views of irrigation projects at Salt River (Ariz.), North Platte (Neb.), Sun River (Mont.), Whalen Dam (Nebr.), Carlsbad (N. Mex.), Uncompahgre (Calif.), Orland (Calif.), Guernsey Dam, Shoshone (Wyo.), Grand Valley (Calif.), Yakima (Wash.), and Lower Yellowstone (Mont.). Includes scenes of excavation and construction. Reel 2 shows a farm being irrigated, farmers at work in the fields, and views of sugar beets, potatoes, apples, grapefruit, sheep, poultry, and other products raised on the various irrigation projects. |