ECU Libraries Catalog


Minchin, H. Cotton, et al. The Mercury Book : Being Selections From Volumes I & Ii of the London Mercury, Made by H. C. M. London: Williams & Norgate, Ltd., 1926.


Minchin, H. Cotton, Squire, J. Collings, Chesterton, G. K, Beerbohm, M., Gosse, E., Smith, L. Pearsall, Woolf, V., Hardy, T., Bridges, R., Davies, W. H, De la Mare, W., Frost, R., Lindsay, V., & Yeats, W. B. (1926). The Mercury book : being selections from volumes I & II of the London Mercury, made by H. C. M. London: Williams & Norgate, Ltd.


Minchin, H. Cotton., John Collings Squire, G. K Chesterton, Max Beerbohm, Edmund Gosse, Logan Pearsall Smith, Virginia Woolf, et al. The Mercury Book: Being Selections From Volumes I & II of the London Mercury, Made by H. C. M. London: Williams & Norgate, Ltd., 1926.