ECU Libraries Catalog

The Pharmacopoeia of the United States of America (the United States Pharmacopoeia) / by authority of the United States Pharmacopoeia Convention.

Format Book, Journal, and Print
Publication Info[Place of publication not identified] : United States Pharmacopoeial Convention, 1820-1975. (Easton, Pa. : Mack Print Co.)
Descriptionvolumes : illustrations ; 21 cm
Other author/creatorUnited States PharmacopÅ“ial Convention.
Other author/creatorGeneral Medical Convention.
Other author/creatorGeneral Convention for the Formation of the American Pharmacopoeia.
Other author/creatorNational Medical Convention (Washington, D.C.)
Other author/creatorNational Convention for Revising the Pharmacopoeia (Washington, D.C.)
General noteDescription based on: 12th revision.
General noteTitle varies slightly.
Special numberingTwo conventions were held in 1830, both of which issued a revision of Pharmacopoeia.
Special numberingVols. for 1830- called [1st]- revision.
Supplement noteThe 11th revision has two supplements; the 12th- revisions have "bound" supplements.
Issuing bodyIssued by authority of the United States Pharmacopoeial Convention, 1820-1975 under its following names: 1820, General Medical Convention; Jan. 1830, National Medical Convention; June 1830, General Convention for the Formation of the American Pharmacopoeia; 1840-1950, National Medical Convention; 1860-1890, National Convention for Revising the Pharmacopoeia; 1900-1975, United States Pharmacopoeial Convention.
Succeeding title United States pharmacopeia 0195-7996
LCCN 35037146


Library Location Holdings
Joyner General Stacks
RS 141.2 P5
18th - (1970)

Available Items

Library Location Call Number Status Item Actions
Joyner General Stacks RS141.2 .P5 18TH ✔ Available Place Hold