ECU Libraries Catalog


Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Man the Reformer : a Lecture Read Before the Mechanics' Apprentices' Library Association, At the Masonic Temple, Boston, 25th January, 1841, and Now Published At Their Request. [United States?]: Luxford & Co., printers, 1841.


Emerson, R. Waldo. (1841). Man the reformer : a lecture read before the Mechanics' Apprentices' Library Association, at the Masonic Temple, Boston, 25th January, 1841, and now published at their request. [United States?]: Luxford & Co., printers.


Emerson, Ralph Waldo, Man the Reformer: A Lecture Read before the Mechanics' Apprentices' Library Association, At the Masonic Temple, Boston, 25th January, 1841, and Now Published At Their Request. [United States?]: Luxford & Co., printers, 1841.