ECU Libraries Catalog


Black, Donald. Observations On Henry Drummond, Esq.'s Pamphlet, Entitled "causes Which Lead to a Bank Restriction Bill" : with an Argument As to What Is Gold and What Is Paper? : Together with a Plan for Establishing a Certain and Fixed National Currency. London: P. Richardson, 1840.


Black, D. (1840). Observations on Henry Drummond, Esq.'s pamphlet, entitled "Causes which lead to a bank restriction bill" : with an argument as to what is gold and what is paper? : together with a plan for establishing a certain and fixed national currency. London: P. Richardson.


Black, Donald, Observations On Henry Drummond, Esq.'s Pamphlet, Entitled "causes Which Lead to a Bank Restriction Bill": With an Argument As to What Is Gold and What Is Paper? : Together with a Plan for Establishing a Certain and Fixed National Currency. London: P. Richardson, 1840.