ECU Libraries Catalog


Andrew, John A. An Address On the Occasion of Dedicating the Monument to Ladd and Whitney, Members of the Sixth Regiment, M.v.m : Killed At Baltimore, Maryland, April 19, 1861 : Delivered At Lowell, Massachusetts. Boston: Wright & Potter, State Printers, 1865.


Andrew, J. A. (1865). An address on the occasion of dedicating the monument to Ladd and Whitney, members of the Sixth Regiment, M.V.M : killed at Baltimore, Maryland, April 19, 1861 : delivered at Lowell, Massachusetts. Boston: Wright & Potter, State Printers.


Andrew, John A. An Address On the Occasion of Dedicating the Monument to Ladd and Whitney, Members of the Sixth Regiment, M.V.M: Killed At Baltimore, Maryland, April 19, 1861 : Delivered At Lowell, Massachusetts. Boston: Wright & Potter, State Printers, 1865.