ECU Libraries Catalog


Withering, William. An Arrangement of British Plants : According to the Latest Improvement of the Linaean System : to Which Is Prefixed an Easy Introduction to the Study of Botany : Illustrated by Copper Plates. 3rd ed. Birmingham: Printed for the author by M. Swinney , 1796.


Withering, W. (1796). An arrangement of British plants : according to the latest improvement of the Linaean system : to which is prefixed an easy introduction to the study of botany : illustrated by copper plates. 3rd ed. Birmingham: Printed for the author by M. Swinney .


Withering, William, An Arrangement of British Plants: According to the Latest Improvement of the Linaean System : to Which Is Prefixed an Easy Introduction to the Study of Botany : Illustrated by Copper Plates. 3rd ed. Birmingham: Printed for the author by M. Swinney, 1796.